Saturday, January 29, 2011

I bet you care now

I asked a fellow writer to help me with my first book and was turned down because my subject was no a popular one. "You have to write about things or people that others care about" I was told. "No one cares about prostitutes".

I suppose she was right, unless. of course, the prostitute happens to be involved with someone famous, like the governor of New York. I have found that people told care enough to even be mildly interested in finding ways to break the cycle of drugs and incarceration.

I have discovered that some of the girls that prostitute themselves do so in spite of their families and their background and there seems nothing that anyone did or could do that would make any difference. Then there are others that seemed to never have had a change to be anything but what they are and just a little care and encouragement could make the biggest difference.

Then there are others who find their way out and make something out of their lives, sometimes spectacularly. Now it seems one who did so has been outed by Kitty Wells who writes unauthorized biographies of famous people. Shockingly real, one of the worlds richest and most influential women was a former prostitute.

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