Monday, August 26, 2013


"I am way to under payed for as much thinking that I have to do..."
How many rules od the English language were broken in that short sentence?  Fix them and we'll discuss you not receiving a pay cut. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday night church

I attended the First Baptist Church of Randleman tonight, Monday August 20, 2013.  The church reminded me somewhat of the church I grew up in, only much smaller and not quite as bright.  Penelope Baptist is actually in Longview in Burke County but it was given a Hickory address.  Hickory is in Catawba County and one has to go through Longview in order to get to Hickory from the church.  My first pastor was Bill Price, the Jack O'Murphy, the Rev. Rowles.  I only attended the church once after I graduated High School.  The attendance at the church under Rev. Rowles was over 1000 a Sunday. 
  The church I attend now has an average attendance of  about 14 and has been in existence for over two hundred years now under various names.  Under it's current name it is seven years old. 

  When leaving the First Baptist Church of Randleman tonight the pastor was at the exit greeting all the attendees.  When I shook his hand I told him "I'm glad you could come tonight."  He laughed and said that was a first for him.  It probably was but shouldn't have been.