Friday, July 26, 2013

Mysterious ball

       My wife has been wanting to get our cats a treat ball and I found one yesterday.  I filled it with treats and the cats had a good time sniffing the ball but they just didn't understand that if they just rolled the ball they would receive a treat.  The ball remained in the exact same position where I placed it for almost an hour.  I called my mom to check on her and was sitting in my chair about five feet away from the ball.  Smokey was relaxing beside the cushion we purchased for her to sleep on and Ryder was no where to be seen. 

      When I hung the phone up  neither cat was in the room but neither was the treat ball.  My wife and I have looked the house over from top to bottom and we cannot locate that blue ball anywhere.  I just don't know how a treat ball the cats could not understand how to play with could just disappear .  I may figure it out one day but for now it is just a mystery.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Lots of disappointments today

I had an appointment with the doctor today at 10 am in Winston-Salem and as usual I had to fast.  The hard part is I have a eating schedule whereby I always eat lunch at 11 am  but today I wouldn't even get breakfast until then.  As it turned out my doctor had a family situation that he had to attend to so I didn't get my lab work or much of a consultation either and have to go back in 3 months. 

My second disappointment was I was outbid on a piece of property I really wanted and needed.  Not much I can do about it either. 

My third disappointment happened when I drove to Candor to get some peaches and some fried chicken.  My preacher said this place has the best and you know Baptist preachers and friend chicken.  Well, they didn't have any. 

The day wasn't a total washout though.  I did get the wheel kit attached to my mower deck today. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

I forgot

Sometimes I forget about this post.  At one time this was my favorite blog but since Randolph is talking failed most of my blogging is done on Southgate news.  I really wanted the two blogs to be different with this one my personal observations and the other one would have more substance. 

I apologize to those who liked this blog and grew tired of waiting for me to post something.  I'll try to do better.