Saturday, October 22, 2011

Screw ups

My wife'soldest son is one of these. several years ago in was in dire straits so I let my wife loan him some money. What I didn't know was besides the amount she oringinally asked about loaning him, she extended him three additional loans so he was in debt to us big time. There for many months he made a lot of excuses but made no payments to us.

Eventually he did repay us. I told my wife I was disappointed because the kid had learned nothing. It would have been better to take on an obligation only if one can pay it off and it is better to learn to budget and live within ones means than to make excuses and hope for a streak of luck that would enable one to pay off a debt in one lump sum.

I told my wife that he didn't learn his lesson. Well, this morning he called and says he on the verge of losing everything. His kid damaged a patrol car with her bicycle, he bought a truck but had to pay off old traffic tickets, he told a pay day loan, and now he is $4000 in debt but he can pay us back because he makes good money.

If he had learned to handle money like I asked him too several years ago when we bailed him out then he would not be in the mess he is in today. He asked for help. I said no.

Lol's and ABC's

I have no idea what many of the initials people use now adays mean. One of the most commonly used and least understood to me is BFF. What is that; big fat friend? I don't know exactly what it is.


Sometimes I play my quick little games and no matter which ones I play I can't seem to win. Single spider solitaire is a no brainer and its easy to to 40 or fifty games in a row. Free Cell is more difficult but to win 100 to 150 games in a row befotre getting completly stumbed or actually losing is not that difficult.
I win hald the hearts games and regular solitaire games I play and majong depends on the layout. One layout I win 96% of the time and there are a couple I can win half. The rest; not so much.

Even so, one would think that I would win something each time I played if I played them all but there are just some times I can't win any of them.

Today is one of those days. Normally I save Free Cell for last because it is more skill that most games so if I'm having a bad day can win a Free Cell game and not feel like a total loser. Most frustrating when one plays to a statemate there. Today, my luck has been so bad that I'm not even going to play Free Cell.

Tomorrow, my luck may be so good I can be splaying hearts and start the game with the Queen of spades as my only spade and have someone lay the Ace down first. Today, my luck is so bad I played the three of diamond to break the suit and got the black Queen of death on the first hand.

Life just sucks sometimes. sometimes it's good.

Friday, October 14, 2011


For the past month I have been going to the community center to get my walking in. I started out at 2 miles each morning then went to 3 miles. Now I have decided I need to walk 4 miles each morning. The weather is getting cooler so I won't be outside as much. I ususally don't get much exercise in after the gym except for cutting the grass.

Now, besides the walking, I exercise on the Wii also. I walked 4.5 miles at the gym this morning and logged a little more than that just normal walking and working out on the wii.

Don't know if it is making any difference in my weight or body shape but I'm going to do it anyway.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rotten kids

I have one son who I adopted when he was five. He lived with me from the time he was eighteen monts put it wasn't until he was five that the adoption finally came through. His birth name was primitivo but I named him Timmy. He joined the Army out of High School and after his tour was up he disappeared for fourteen years.

I also raised my niece until she was five. Her mother became upset with me after her boyfriend kicked her out of his house and she wanted to me take care of her at every one else's expense. I was in the midst of helping a friend and told Erlinda I would be back to help her in an hour or so. It was three or four years later before I saw my niece again and I saw her for the second and last time a year or so later when she was ten. She contacted me a few weeks ago through my son and we met for her birthday.

She hasn't bothered to contact me since nor have I heard from my son.

Yes, I am bothered by that. I've tried to be a loving parent to my son and loved my niece as if she were a real daughter. What can I say? I guess I raised a couple of rotten kids.

people with colds

people with colds should not go to the gym and workout. I don't appreciate hearing men suck up their phlem, cough, clear their throats, and start the process all over again, especially since I came to the gym to work out for my health. You arn't helping at all so stay home, for everyones benefit.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Glad we have DNA

I was watching a show about a murder the other night and was reminded of something from my past. In the show a hairdresser was murdered but a witness saw the killer. She discribed the vehicle the killer drove, gave an accurate physical discription and a composite drawing was madethat looked as good as a photgraph of the real killer.

Not long after the murder a newly arrested amn was talking to other prisioners about the murdered woman and how much he liked her. He had no alibi for the night she was killed, drove a similar vehicle, and fit the composite exactlt and was picked out of a photo line-up. If that has been the only evidence presented at a trial he would have been convicted. Trouble was he wasn't guilty.

The guilty man turned out to be a 17 year old high school student who also drove a similar vehicle, was about the same size as the first suspect, and also matched the composite drawing to a T. His DNA was a match.

Many years ago I worked in the Post Office in San Miquel, Philippines and someone stole some Postal Momey Orders and the investagators interviewed me. I really thought one of the workers named Leslie Ball was the guilty party. He was a drug abuser, looked weird, acted strange, and often stayed late or re-entered the post office after hours and knew how the money order system worked.

It turned out not to be him but a highly honored employee that was guilty. I learned not to judge anyone untill sufficient evidence was given to prove guilt bufore convicting someone.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Neglected Blog

I did post of Southgate news an article about my niece I really should have posted here. Sorry about that.

Our neighbor next to the church I attend has decided that it is okay for him to utilize or parking lot for his own personal use. It isn't. If you can't understand why I'll come park in your driveway.

Six or eight months ago we met a man at McDonalds and asked him to join us at our table. He started coming to the church ever Sunday. About six weeksago we asked him to consider joining the church and maybe even serving as a trustee. He saif he wasn't a joiner and was afraid that we would take all his money. He hasn't been back since. Some people are really weird.

My niece hasn't had contact with me in sixteen years. It wasn't her fault, at least most of the time wasn't. I raised the little girl as my daughter until her Mom got mad at me and has refused contact between us since. I suppose once she turned eighteen or moved out on her own at 21 or 22 she could have contacted me but she didn't--until two weeks ago. We had lunch and I haven't heard from her since.

I guess this is about it for now. I'll try not to stay away so lon.g