Saturday, February 26, 2011

Evolution, Theory of

The theory of evolution makes certain assumptions. First, life began on earth. Secondly, the first life form was animal and began as a single cell . Thirdly, the the animal needed to adapt, or evolve to survive. No account that I have read mentions the evolution of plants or why they would evolve.

Fair or Fact

There is one truth to life and that is that it isn't fair. I was born in America while someone else was born in Haiti. I was born to middle class parents while Paris Hilton was born into a multi-millionaire family. Some people spent thirty years in the military and some people die shortly after enlisting.

One can spent hours and days and probably months and even years listing the inequities of living and I doubt there would be much of an argument against that fact. Sometimes a solution to a situation makes sense but it reality is a bad idea. The bible says "There is a way that seemth right unto men"

The cruise liner suffers a big tear in its side and is taking on water quickly and soon will sink. The damage has left some of the life boats unusable so some will have to fend for themselves in the water while others can attempt to save themselves in a lifeboat. Life's not fair but that is the way it is. The captain of the ship, in a long standing tradition of decency commands , after issueing the order to abandon ship, that women and children be given access to the life boats first.

But that isn't fair. Why should one person be shown favoritism over another, one be given opportunities that is denied another? Giving preference to the women and children lessen the possibilities that any will survive. That's just not fair and is discrimitory.

In sports women can try out for the men's team but men cannot play on a women's team. The reasons are obvious but one can claim that is separate but equal and that policy has been shown not to be fair. We still discriminat because of size and strength based on the gender as a whole but make exceptions for some who shown exceptional ability, like Michelle Wie playing with the men. But no matter how old and bad Tiger Woods gets at golf, he will never be allowed to play on the ladies tour.

In order to form a society in which members of that society can live and work together and protect themselves, humans have set up governments and laws and traditions. Some cremonies and laws aew unique to a particular group but some traditions and practices are universal. Marriage between men and women is one of institutions that is universal.

It seems that some people think that not allowing people of the same sex to be united in marriage is discrimitory, it really isn't. I know, to man it seemth right that all who want to be married shuld be allowed, but it really isn't.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Google asshole in wikileaks and you will be directed to an article about the Gadhafi family.

How quaint.

Everything is wrong

I take a medicine to make me urinate and one to make me stop. It seems all my medical conditions cause sexual dysfunction and all the treatments make the condition worse. I am suppose to eat certain types of food to help in treating one condition but those foods aggravate another medical issue.

I am suppose to eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid sweets but artificial sweetener aggravates one condition I have as does dairy products, citrus fruits, coffee and tomato products. Seven of the ten foods to avoid are among my favorite foods, like hot sauce. Hot sauce adds flavor and studies have shown that adding hot sauce to ones food helps reduce caloric intake, which is good for people like me, but is on a list of foods that aggravate my medical ailment.

One kind of food that lowers my cholesterol raises my blood pressure.

Damage to ones body starts when a person is young and is a slow process that takes years. At the time it seemed that thetre was plenty of time for my body to adjust and but after one starts to sufferm they wish they could undo what they have done.

But the truth is, we only live in the moment. The past doesn't seem real any more and the future is just a dream. Now is the only reality.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Several years ago one of the bloggers on Randolph is Talking told me he could prove evolution was true and set out to give me his proof. After several pages, he quit, saying he believed it to be true but he just couldn't offer anything that made it sound as if it was even remotely true.

Some people deny the existence of God and the bible never attempts to offer ahy proof. From the very first sentence, the scriptures speak of God as existing just as we would speak of our father, mother, sibling or spouse as existing. We never think we have to prove something we know to be true.

The bible does spent much time in forcasting the birth and character of Jesus Christ and Hebrews offers proof of the deity of Jesus. One of the witnesses to the deity of Christ is God the Holy Father Himself. In order to be a witness, one would have to exist and God, being who He is, would have to be believed and that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh! Me!


Over five thousand years ago Moses said to the children of Israel , ‘Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land.’

Nearly 75 years ago (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, ‘Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land.’

Today, Congress has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land!

I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc . . . I called a Suicide Hotline. I had to press 1 for English. I was connected to a call center in Pakistan ... I told them I was suicidal. They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck......


Squares and protests seem to go together. Russian has its Red Square, China its Tenanmen Square, Egyptsprotests took place in its square and the protestin Bahrain is being held in a square.

Maybe dictatorships and oppresive governments should look into banning squares or calling them rectangles, cirles, or open air spaces.

In this country, squares arein the news often. In Newy York City, it seems most important events celebrated by the masses occurs in Time Square.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I discovered a new word today and I determined that its meaning is a person with a lazy mind. The person is not necessarily undeducated or inflicted with a learning disability but is just too lazy to bother either learning something or finding the answer to something, even if the answer in convenient to be found.

The word came to me today when a co-worker wrote silican to let me know which sausage was Scilian. He used all rhe correct letters and the correct number of letters. He does not have a learning disability. He is just too lazy and stubborn to learn or to bother looking at the sign or checking the scales or price book for the correct spelling.

Feel free to use the work, silican.

Irrational behaviour

Mubarak resigns and some poke fun at him for being weak. Maybe he was sick and old and had exercised good sense like we wish other people would. Or would his detractors prefer the Iranian reaction: to shoot protesters, or perhaps the Chinese method of running them over with tanks, or Russia with their labor camps.

It seems that the middle eastern countries are made of of war lords and ethic factions that only cooperate as a country through force and if the ruthless dictator in charge is ousted then the factions break up and killing begins.

Watching Iranians, and Iraqis, and others from that area behave, there is no way to convince me that Islam is a religion of peace and it is only the extremists who cause problems. Eighty percent of Egyptians want strict Muslim law, according to news reports broad casted during the peaceful revolt, which is the kind of law that encourages all the behaviour we consider irrational.

That area of the world is becoming more unstable every year. Of course they can live in peace if they could destroy the United States of America and Israel, or least that is what they claim. It is our fault that the Begalis and Punjabs could not get along, the the Sunnis warred with everyone else in Iraq.

War and violence is not the way to change people minds. True, being held captive will make a man compliant for an uncertain amount of time but given the opportunity he will revolt. Jihad is a failed policy just like our war effort has been.

Maybe Mubarak was sick and old and now depressed but maybe he was the only one would exhibited rational behaviour in the last ten years, at least.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Poem to my wife

I have no flowers or candy
No fancy dinner for two
But I do have a joy in my heart
That tells me my love belongs to you

I made that uplast night.

It's true.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


The Mosaic Law stated that if you didn't work neither would you eat and taught us to love one another and our neighbor as ourselves. Far right wing conservatives would have us believe that welfare programs should be eliminated and most people are leeches living off the government while liberals we are all entitled to an equal chance at life and should share and share alike. Didn't our parents teach us this when we were kids?

I really can't believe that God taught one group of people one way to live and another group a totally different way. For example, my neighbor next door is struggling to survive. He is a hard working man in his seventies living off a little bit of social security. From time to time I loan him a little money. Ten dollars for food, $20.00 for a load of wood to burn. I'm sure he wants to repay me and it would be nice but I don't expect to ever see the money again. My relationship with a good neighbor is far more important than money.

One the other hand, I have some friends that have been struggling to better themselves. The lady had been a crack-addicted street prostitute in Greensboro and is now a married woman off drugs and off the street. It's tough finding a job when one has a background like hers and I honor her struggle. I gave her moral support, some furniture and provided her with guidance with some problems she faced.

However when she asked for my monetary help because she was about to have her power disconnected I had to say no.

Why would I help a neighbor and not a friend?

Simple: My neighbor is a good man, a hard working man, that is doing is best to support himself. My friend, on the other hand, has no drivers license and no car insurance yet owns a car and drives, has quit or been fired from every job she has had , has twice attempted to sue her former employers, and still keeps in contact with the girls still on the streets and her husband is an alcoholic and I have suspected that perhaps the two sell a few pills now and then to supplement their income.

Americans are charitable people. I don't mind helping a neighbor in need but it upsets me to be forced to help someone that just wants a handout. My neighbor comes up and gives me a hand from time to time in my yard. He once loaned me his lawn mower when mine quit half way through my mowing task and while I was finishing cutting the grass he took my mower and had it repaired. He tilled my garden last year and has helped me on my pond, given me rocks and shared from his garden.

I have to admit my friends helped me move into my new house several years ago
but one still gets the feeling the friendship is only as deep as my pockets. Like the couple you were visiting the church. One Sunday night they announced to the church they had decided that our church would become their permanent church home and would attend no where else. Later in the week they asked to borrow $500,00 from the church and when their request was denied, they have no been back.

The good Samaritan went way beyond the call of duty to help someone he was expected to despise but I'm sure if the same man kept going out and getting drunk and ending up in the same situation, even the Good Samaritan woud say enough is enough.

I contribute to charities, give to the church and pay my taxes but I am a poor working man and when helping my friends and neighbors becomes a reoccuring theme and a burden on my wife and I rhen I will have to say no.

I'm sure Moses would have saw to it that a man trying to feed his family that may have broken a leg or arm or suffered an illness received help to see him through his rough time but when a fellow tribesman refused to help himself, the Moses said enough is enough. If you try I'll help but if you don't, then you are on your own.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Many Reasons Why.

Reasons NOT to attend One Way Baptist Church in Randleman:

1. The church is small
2. The church building is small
3. The church has few programs
4. The preacher is long winded
5. The preacher is old-fashioned
6. The preacher is not an apologist
7. The preacher is not an expositor
8. The church is not a social club

Reasons to attend One Way Baptist Church:

1. The church is small but wants to grow by adding converts and workers
2. The church has few programs but lots of opportunities
3. The preacher is long-winded and we view it as a good thing as it is inspired preaching.
4. The preacher is old fashioned
5. The preacher is not an apologist
6. The preacher is not an expositor
7. The church has a strong belief in God and trust in Jesus Christ and a love for one another that is rarely found.
8. It is a little light in a dark place. Come early; seating is limited and the services are inspiring.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dysfunctional Family

I suppose many families are dysfunctional to some degree and the one I grew up in was no exception. My dad worked long and hard and often stayed late or went back to work not only to earn extra income but to avoid his wife who seemed not to be able to quit talking. Mom was a "housewife" as stay-at-home Moms were called back then who cooked, cleaned and yelled at the kids.

My younger brother turned out to be an upper middle class yuppie conservative with a liberal lifestyle and by older brother turned out to be a middle middle-class working stiff who spends money like there is an endless supply and then complains about being poor, masquerades as a Christian while holding a grudge against one of his brothers for an incident that never occurred, never shares of himself with anyone and wonders why his family isn't closer than it is.

Me? I turned out to be a contradiction also, a hard working stiff full of bright ideas produced by what educators call a brilliant mind but who lacks the confidence in himself to step up and lead. Its hard to overcome the feelings of not being worthy drummed into a person during their childhood.

My father passed away and neither of by brothers have every changed nor will they likely change and Mom still talks too much and would probably be just as mean and hateful as she was when I was a kid but I've learned how to deal with the issues today. As far as my brothers, I hope I can figure out how to deal with them when the time comes when we have to be together. And I suppose it won't be far in the future either as my sister-in-law is ill with cancer and will not survive long.

I hate it for her but she took her chances as a three pack a day smoker so she had her pleasures. Mom is old and getting more feeble now but should have a few more years left in her. I dread the day when I have to deal with my older brother and his five ill bred, illegitimate, heathen children, who are sure to be the first to show up at Mom's house to loot what they can and trash what is left.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can't have it both ways, can you?

Scientist amazes me about how they drawn conclusion, what they conjecture, and what they are willing to accept and what they choose to reject.

Last month there was a story about the discovery of a cave or dwelling place at which was discovered a dog bone in a fire pit. The conclusion of the matter was that man had domesticated dogs much earlier than previously believed and that man
raised dogs as a food source.

Now the truth could have been that a man discovered the rotting remains of an animal that had been killed or died of natural causes and decided to burn the remains so he could sleep or live in a peaceful and less smelly environment.

It is common among some peoples to burn the bodies of their dead so if we were to find bones in a fire pit are we to assume the inhabitants were cannibals?

On the other hand, a book describes an ancient city in great detail and an archaeologist happens to discover remains of that city in the place and time that the book says it existed and from the way it was built it fits the books described to a T. But because the entire city was not unearthed some scientist reject the city as being the one in the book.

People are willing to accept one wild story based on scant data even though there is more likely many explanations for the event discovered and yet are eager to reject another that has almost a certainty of being true because the entire thing does not exist.

What about scientific polls which use sampling of people to project a whole range of truths? These samplings have been shown to hold true for the whole. To discovered what is probably 25% to 40% of an ancient city that conforms to a description of it is probably that city but is rejected by many as not being conclusive enough while one dog bone in one fire pit is enough to "prove" than man raised dogs for food many hundreds of years earlier than previously thought.

I believe what has happened is that one group is excited about their discovery and makes up a good story to make their discovery seem much more significant than it probably is while another group rejects a theory that is probably a fact because it cotridicts what they believed prior to the discovery.

Science, sonetimes is as much about egos as it is facts.