Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Rapture: Real or not

Just because some one predicts when the rapture will occur does not mean it will. I think because it has been two thousand years since Jesus Christ was crucified many believe His return is imminent. It may well be but then again, it may yet be awhile.

Playing the numbers game, one can be led to believe that 6,000 years ago god created the heavens and the earth, populated the earth in six days, rested, and then Adam and Eve sinned, got kicked out of Eden and two thousand years later God destroyed the earth's inhabitants with a flood, repopulated the earth, sent His son to die, and now we are at the end of mans time waiting on Jesus to come and reign for the last day (thousand years)

There is a quote in the bible that says to God a thousand years as is a day and a day as a thousand years. That does not means that the six days of creation were done in six 24 hour periods of time and that man shall inhabit the earth for just six thousand years. It does mean that to the creature who was, and is, and shall ever more be, time doesn't means anything.

I have no idea how long after God created the heavens and the earth before he created man. It is believed by some that when God tossed Satan out of heaven, the devil destroyed God's creation so God found the earth was void and without form. That isn't how he created it.

Sometimes this sounds like mythology and stories about the Greek gods or Indian tales about the Great Spirits and whether it is or not comes down to one senario: the cruciafition of Christ, His burial, and resurrection. If that is true, then the whole bible is true. It that isn't, the then bible is a lie.

We know that Christ was not born in December, we know nothing of his early life save for one incident when he was a kid, and much of what he did and said while on the earth remains a mystery.

The description in the bible of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is described in enough deatail and to lend itself to study and analysis. The actions of his followers, the facts that the women were told first and the conversion of Paul all speak to the truth of the Easter story.

This same Jesus that was crucified for our sins promised that he would come again, first for his bride and then to set up his kingdom on the earth. God left no numerical clues in the scriptures making it possible for man to predict Christ return but He has given us plenty of time to decide what we want to do about the situation.

You may laugh and scoff or just quietly reject the Christian view and you could just possible be right in your thinking. If you are you will never get the chance to say "I told you so" because you just want exist anymore. On the other hand if you are wrong, well, let's try not to think about that part of it.

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