Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Reading headlines this week I noticed we have things out of order. The big news was Kate Whinsett escaping a fire with the second biggest story was about that reality star woman, Kardasianm getting married. Two of the other big stories, the 76 year old boy scout leader who was stabbed to death and the 49 fan killings paled in comparison.

I suppose in a way it is good that we don't focus on murder and mayhem but on the good news of weddings and escaping tradgedy except that the two big stories involve TV and movie stars and the follow up stories only involve regular people whose tragedies have the potential to affect of all.

Had the participates in the news stories refersaled roles, with Kardasian and her husband getting beat up at a foorball gam and Kate Whiseet getting murdered while taking her kids on a nature walk, one would have never heard about someone escaping a fire nor a baseball fan getting married.

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