Some intellectuals are now debating political rhetoric after the shooting of Gabby Giffords. Some people have gone so far as to place the blame on Sarah Palin because she once showed some politicians in what appeared to be gun sights.
One of Palins aids foolish claimed the cross hairs were those of a surveyors tool and not a gun sight. Such false claims only serves to add fuel to the condemnation of the ads by acknowledging that there may have been something incendiary about the ads, while any reasonable person would not think that way.
No one in their right mind would take that ad to mean that those candidates should be killed any more than the phrase "thrown under the bus" would incite anyone to run another person over with a large vehicle.
We have come to the point that each party thinks the other party is full of crazy people that are unreasonable and just totally out of their mind.
I have, on occasion, listened to another persons reasons for holding to a particular viewpoint totally different from mind and was able to see how they felt the way they did, and in some cases have changed by position on an issue after learning things I had not thought of before.
JFK said "Let us ask what we can do for our country" which is the opposite of what most think the Democratic party is about. Quite often A Republican viewpoint will be adopted by the Democrats and bitterly opposed by the Republicans and sometimes it is the other way around.
I can understand why some women think abortion should be legal and I also can understand the opposite position. I should be able to disagree with another on an issue without being labeled a lunatic.
Sarah Palins gun sight ad is no more inciteful than Obamas promise to "kill then at the polls" and neither statement is an endorsement of either hate nor violence.
To now want to provide a secret service agent to every candidate or congress person is over reaction and beyond our means to pay for. Adequate security measures can be found that would do a much better job than a secret service agent could do.
Yes, I believe we need to be more respectful of each other and more willing to talk and to earnestly listen to the opinions of others and maybe some of the political rhetoric needs to be toned down, but we can't be placing blame on people for what is a totally unrelated incitdent.
As far as the Arizona shooter, it seems he has had a problem with the lady politician for almost four years now, long before anyone ever heard of Sarah Palin.
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