"BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley told a church crowd just moments into his new administration that those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior are not his brothers and sisters, shocking some critics who questioned Tuesday whether he can be fair to non-Christians.
"Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother," Bentley said Monday, his inauguration day, according to The Birmingham News.
The Anti-Defamation League on Tuesday called Bentley's remarks shocking."
(from a story on Yahoo)
This story is shocking only because the shocked person is a liberal political-correct idealogist.
In orther words, in a non-Christian but a practicioner of another religion would have said the same thing then that would have been okay because that is culture but Christianity isn't culture but pure religion.
I suppose if you are not a Christian you would not understnd the meanings of those words and it is foolishness for me to try and explain the concept to you.
My question then becomes why would one be shocked by a concept they don't understand?
The liberal asks "Can he be fair to people who are not his brothers and sisters?
Well, what did the man say?
If you would just listen maybe the mans statement will give you the answer. He said he wanted all to be his brothers and sisters. he didn'tsay family because family could be father, mothers, son, daughter, cousin, or in-law but a brother and sister are blood relatives and of equal status.
Now if he had siad, "Not everyone is my friend but I want everyone to be my friend" then would that be shocking? I doubt that would be so so why is it shocking that he is looking for a closer relationship than even a friend would be?
If someone is seeking you out to be your brother or sister, he will not get far with the proposal if he is not fair to you.
No, what is shocking is that liberals do not understand that statement "I want everyone to be my brother or sister."
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