The country is evenly divided about the direction this country should go. The present administration wants a more liberal agenda in an attempt to "reinvent America". Those are his words, not mine. America was made strong on the backs of hard working men and women and with the minds of those willing to take a chance. Our constitution was written so that people could have that opportunity to make things happen in their lives.
One cannot prosper, not matter how intelligent, if there are not men and women willing to work for him to put his ideas into practice. By the same token, one cannot find work to do unless someone is willing to take a chance and make something. America has always been the land of opportunity but never the land of equal opportunity. I do believe that some people voted for Obama because they believed he would level the playing field. He has not.
What some see that he has done as great accomplishments, others see laws that endanger the well being of this country. I can understand the validity of the argument that we all should be able to provide for our own health and welfare and we have not always been able to do so because it is expensive and different employers have different health plans if they have any at all. Private plans are beyond the ability of many Americans to afford. A National health insurance program seems logical.
Americans bought into the idea of social security for the elderly because many retired but had no money to live from. The same with the idea behind medicare. But Obama's health care plan went beyond the elderly and attempted to cover everyone. That plan is expensive. The government has never operated a plan successfully in our history and many people are afraid this plan will lead to our self-destruction on cost basis alone.
Some people think that all people should be able to marry whomever they want while others believe that marriage should remain as a union between a man and a woman.
What the different parts of the constitution mean is determined not by principal but by the political ideology of the person making the decision. It isn't supposed to be this way. A group of highly educated people, specialists in the law, should be able to read the same words and come to the same conclusion about what those words mean, but that was proven to be not the case in this countries history.
Not only does an election concern the next four years and what kind of policies and programs are put into place and what laws are passed, but the new president can effect the interpretation of his actions by the make-up of the Supreme court.
There is a lot riding on the outcome of this election. From reading comments on political news, Americans are a emotional people who have a difficult time with the English language and the spelling of the words who quickly fall into calling those with different views derogatory names but just don't seem to be able to discuss an idea with intellectual thought.
Good luck in this election and may the best man win (although I doubt that he is running).
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