There is one truth to life and that is that it isn't fair. I was born in America while someone else was born in Haiti. I was born to middle class parents while Paris Hilton was born into a multi-millionaire family. Some people spent thirty years in the military and some people die shortly after enlisting.
One can spent hours and days and probably months and even years listing the inequities of living and I doubt there would be much of an argument against that fact. Sometimes a solution to a situation makes sense but it reality is a bad idea. The bible says "There is a way that seemth right unto men"
The cruise liner suffers a big tear in its side and is taking on water quickly and soon will sink. The damage has left some of the life boats unusable so some will have to fend for themselves in the water while others can attempt to save themselves in a lifeboat. Life's not fair but that is the way it is. The captain of the ship, in a long standing tradition of decency commands , after issueing the order to abandon ship, that women and children be given access to the life boats first.
But that isn't fair. Why should one person be shown favoritism over another, one be given opportunities that is denied another? Giving preference to the women and children lessen the possibilities that any will survive. That's just not fair and is discrimitory.
In sports women can try out for the men's team but men cannot play on a women's team. The reasons are obvious but one can claim that is separate but equal and that policy has been shown not to be fair. We still discriminat because of size and strength based on the gender as a whole but make exceptions for some who shown exceptional ability, like Michelle Wie playing with the men. But no matter how old and bad Tiger Woods gets at golf, he will never be allowed to play on the ladies tour.
In order to form a society in which members of that society can live and work together and protect themselves, humans have set up governments and laws and traditions. Some cremonies and laws aew unique to a particular group but some traditions and practices are universal. Marriage between men and women is one of institutions that is universal.
It seems that some people think that not allowing people of the same sex to be united in marriage is discrimitory, it really isn't. I know, to man it seemth right that all who want to be married shuld be allowed, but it really isn't.
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